Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Eiger Sanction

Welcome to Flipping the Bird

This is a blog that is dedicated to the most important finger, the middle one.
For the few of you out there that don't know what it means to be given the middle finger, or as the kids call it "flipped off" or "flipped the bird" allow me to be lazy and post from the trusty wikipedia website what it means:

In Western culture, the finger (as in giving someone the finger), also known as the middle finger, the highway salute, the bird (as in flicking or flying the bird) , or to flip someone off, is an obscene hand gesture, often meaning the phrase "fuck you" or "up yours." It is performed by showing the back of the hand, extending the middle finger of the hand upwards while bending the other fingers down into the palm. all makes sense now. Thank you Wikipedia, your knowledge has no bounds.

This blog isn't going to bore you with anecdotes about current trends or what I spent my day doing. No. This blog is just going to be straight up pictures. Yes pictures. This blog is going to contain screen grabs from movies of actors giving the middle finger. I mean, have you ever thought, "Hey, I wonder what Clive Owen looks like giving the middle finger?". Well,then you have come to the right place.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Flipping the Bird!